Anyone may develop a kidney stone during his or her lifetime. Stones can form if there is an imbalance in the way your body produces urine. This may be connected to how much you drink and whether there are substances in your urine which trigger stone formation.
Kidney stones form when minerals or acid salts in your urine crystalize. Most stones leave your body while you urinate. However, sometimes stones get stuck in the ureter, block the normal flow of urine, and cause symptoms. Stones can also be too big to leave the kidney. In both cases you may need treatment to remove the stone.
info from
To prevent the formation of kidney stones and pain, you should stop smoking. In addition, when problems with urinary emphasized the importance of diet. Salting foods should be limited.
The vital importance of water hardness. You deal with it by boiling water twice. After the first boiling, cool and cook again the next day, just before consumption.
The best diet for kidney problems is a vegetarian diet with a small amount of animal protein. It allows for purification of the body.
- Drink from 2.5 to 3 liters of fluid a day
- Drink evenly throughout the day
- Drink beverages with a pH close to neutral, in particular water
- Control urine output (correctly from 2 to 2.5 liters per day)
- Control your urine color (it should be clear)
- In the case of intense exercise drink more than 3 liters of water
Herbs supporting the work of kidneys :
To herbs that cleanse the urinary tract include: birch leaves, blackcurrant, lemon balm, lingonberry, knotweed, nettles, willow bark, flower goldenrod, horsetail herb and heather, juniper berries, couch grass rhizome, root and parsley, celery root and fenugreek and cumin seed.
They are a diuretic herbs that facilitate the excretion of unnecessary products metabolism. The stores and pharmacies are also available ready-made herbal mixtures.
The stores and pharmacies are also available ready-made herbal mixtures.
In the fight against urolithiasis are effective decoctions of potato peals or oat straw. Two handfuls of straw or washed peelings should cook and at the decoction brew knot-grass or herb heather. Drink twice a day.
info from
To prevent the formation of kidney stones and pain, you should stop smoking. In addition, when problems with urinary emphasized the importance of diet. Salting foods should be limited.
The vital importance of water hardness. You deal with it by boiling water twice. After the first boiling, cool and cook again the next day, just before consumption.
The best diet for kidney problems is a vegetarian diet with a small amount of animal protein. It allows for purification of the body.
- Drink from 2.5 to 3 liters of fluid a day
- Drink evenly throughout the day
- Drink beverages with a pH close to neutral, in particular water
- Control urine output (correctly from 2 to 2.5 liters per day)
- Control your urine color (it should be clear)
- In the case of intense exercise drink more than 3 liters of water
Herbs supporting the work of kidneys :
To herbs that cleanse the urinary tract include: birch leaves, blackcurrant, lemon balm, lingonberry, knotweed, nettles, willow bark, flower goldenrod, horsetail herb and heather, juniper berries, couch grass rhizome, root and parsley, celery root and fenugreek and cumin seed.
They are a diuretic herbs that facilitate the excretion of unnecessary products metabolism. The stores and pharmacies are also available ready-made herbal mixtures.
The stores and pharmacies are also available ready-made herbal mixtures.
In the fight against urolithiasis are effective decoctions of potato peals or oat straw. Two handfuls of straw or washed peelings should cook and at the decoction brew knot-grass or herb heather. Drink twice a day.
Watermelon - cleaning function :
in the course of one week should eat only watermelon. Eat as much as you can handle!
If hunger is very strong, you can eat a piece of dark bread and watermelon.
Every evening take a warm bath. To the water add 2-3 kg of salt.
You can drink freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables *, and herbal decoctions.
* carrots, parsley (root), celery (root), spinach, black radish, horseradish, chicory, turnips.
!!! The meals containing rice streamline the kidney function.If hunger is very strong, you can eat a piece of dark bread and watermelon.
Every evening take a warm bath. To the water add 2-3 kg of salt.
You can drink freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables *, and herbal decoctions.
* carrots, parsley (root), celery (root), spinach, black radish, horseradish, chicory, turnips.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi or Vaccinium vitis-idea :
infusions and decoctions of these herbs are used as a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. The proportions of 1:20.
- infusion - 10 g (1 large spoon) herbs into a saucepan. Pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook slowly for 15 minutes, let stand for 45 minutes. As will have room temperature, strain. Herbs squeeze, make boiled water to 200 ml. Store in fridge up to 2 days. Dosage : 1 / 3 - 1 / 2 cup, 3-5 times a day, 30 minutes after a meal.
- decoctions - 10 g (1 large spoon) herbs into a saucepan. Pour 200 ml of boiling water, cook slowly for 15 minutes, let stand for 45 minutes. As will have room temperature, strain. Herbs squeeze, make boiled water to 200 ml. Store in fridge up to 2 days. Dosage : 1 large spoon, 40 minutes after a meal, 3-5 times per day.
- decoction for children - 1 smalldecoction for children spoon (ts) herbs pour 200 ml of boiling water, continue as adults. Dosage : The dosage should depend on the age, weight, general health, and degree of disease.
Herbs for the kidneys to be used sfter consultation with a urologist or internist.
Some herbal tretments may not be suitable due to the presence of other diseases.
Always and in any case before using the described herbs or diet, consult your physician or holistic therapist.
Vaccinium vitis-idaea
Medicinal plants are plants that affect the functioning of the body (organism), so the decision to undertake treatment you should consult with your doctor!
Herbs for the kidneys to be used sfter consultation with a urologist or internist.
Some herbal tretments may not be suitable due to the presence of other diseases.
- If you have any questions, own experience or natural treatments, write about it in the comments or at my @
Always and in any case before using the described herbs or diet, consult your physician or holistic therapist.
The exact descriptions given by me of medicinal plants and herbs you can find easily in Wikipedia.
Arctostaphylos uva-ursiVaccinium vitis-idaea
Medicinal plants are plants that affect the functioning of the body (organism), so the decision to undertake treatment you should consult with your doctor!
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